5 Common Running Myths

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Myth #5: Running gives you license to be lazy the rest of the day.

One would assume that runners live active lives, and so are immune to the higher risks of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and other chronic health issues that go along with sedentary lifestyles. But new research is revealing that runners who log lots of miles also spend plenty of time sitting down—in their offices, in front of computers, and watching TV. And their regular workout routines don’t inoculate them from the risks that go along with sitting. According to a study published in January 2014 issue of the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, half-marathoners and marathoners who log 30 to 40 miles of running per week, sit an average of eight and 11 hours per day. And unfortunately, the time runners spend sitting cancels out some of the benefits of the morning workouts. In a study published in the July 2014 issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, researchers calculated the degree to which time spent sitting negates the fitness gains from regular workouts. They found that each time unit of sitting cancels out eight percent of the gain from the same amount of running. So if you run for an hour in the morning, and then sit for 10 hours during the day, you lose roughly 80 percent of the health benefit from your morning workout. So find ways to work more activity into your each day, even if you work out on a regular basis. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in the most far-flung spot in the lot, and set a timer at your desk to get up at least once an hour for a five-minute walk. Meet friends for walks and hikes instead of coffee. Many companies now provide standing workstations. Look into getting one. Chances are the extra bouts of activity will boost your energy and fend off stiffness for your next run.




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