5 Common Running Myths

If running a marathon is on your bucket list, then you are in luck. We have some of the best training right here in our backyard at Fleet Feet. Whether it’s a half marathon or a full marathon, they have just the right training program for you. Sign up here for the half marathon training or if you are looking for full marathon, sign up here.

Still need convincing, read more about what Fleet Feet has to say about 5 common running myths. Be sure to stop by the Fleet Feet store in Brentwood for all of the latest gear, athletic wear and shoes. Follow Fleet Feet on Facebook for the latest updates and offerings.






Myth #1: Running will ruin your knees.

You will likely hear this many times in your running life, but science has proven that this is just not true. It’s long been known that running increases bone mass, and even helps stem age-related bone loss. And researchers have shown that running actually improves knee health. According to data from the landmark National Runners Health Study published in the February 2013 issue of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, runners are nearly half as likely as walkers to develop osteoarthritis or need a hip replacement. The study examined data from nearly 75,000 runners and 15,000 walkers over seven and five years respectively. Researchers contend that running lowers body mass index more than walking, which helps prevent arthritis.

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