Cool Springs Furniture Store Future Uncertain

Joinery House in Cool Springs gave their customers notice that their current location is closing.

Opening four years ago, Joinery House created custom-made furniture. The store was more than just browsing a catalog, it showcased their craftsmanship and eye for detail.

However, with their current lease expiring and the rising cost of their current rent, Joinery House has decided to close their current location.

On their Facebook page, Joinery House stated, “We regret to inform you that Joinery House will be closing at the end of February 2017. Unfortunately with our lease expiring and rising cost, we’ve decided it is not financially expedient to sign another long-term lease.”

Joinery House hopes to stay in the area but states, “we have looked for other spaces but have not been able to find one that would meet location, square footage, and cost requirements.”

On February 1st all current inventory will be discounted 35% and then on February 13 inventory will be 50% off.

Along with Joinery House, For Every Child in downtown Franklin also announced they are closing their current location due to the rising cost of Williamson County rent.

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