How The Christmas Tree You Buy Can Change a Life

buy a tree change a life, gateway church franklin

Christmas tree shopping? Look no further than the tree lot at Gateway Church Franklin located at 1288 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin. Not only will their trees help you decorate your home for the holidays; purchasing one of their trees also helps save lives of children all over the world, as well as, at home.

Gateway Church Franklin has partnered, once again, with Buy A Tree, Change A Life. When you buy a tree from Gateway, a portion of the proceeds goes to support the work of People for Care and Learning who are working to change the lives of children in Cambodia by providing basic needs, education and life skills. Plus, a portion of the proceeds will go to Franktown Open Hearts organization in Franklin. Franktown Open Hearts is committed to the success of Franklin’s inner city youth and provides Christ-centered mentoring through weekly vocational education and experiences that prepare the underserved youth for the future.

Gateway still has a handful of large trees (9-11′) but they are selling quickly! They also have 6′, 8′ and ‘Charlie Brown’ trees.

7 Tips on Selecting a Live Christmas Tree

Enjoy complimentary smores and hot cocoa while you shop

TREE LOT HOURS: 4-8pm Tuesday-Thursday
                             10am-8pm Friday-Sunday

WHERE: 1229 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin 37064

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How Buy a Tree, Change a Life Began:

In 2012, a family at Life Pointe Church in Homestead, FL was adopting a child from Ethiopia. $25,000 was needed for the adoption. The Life Group they attended in the church decided to sell Christmas trees to raise the money. 450 Christmas trees were sold. $25,000 was raised.

Since that first year of Buy a Tree, Change a Life, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization called ForHope.Us was founded. Over $200,000 has been raised.

Twenty churches across the country partner with Buy a Tree, Change a Life.

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