Donna’s Deals: 7 Tips for Shopping at the Dollar Tree

Dollar Tree
credit-Dollar Tree

The Dollar Tree is a bargain hunter’s dream come true as everything in the entire store cost no more than $1.

Here are seven tips for shopping at the Dollar Tree.

Bring Your Coupons

You can use your manufacturer coupons in the store. See the complete rules for coupons online here.  

Take advantage of Rebates Programs 

There are several rebate apps available to use at The Dollar Tree. See a list of apps below.

Checkout 51

Watch for Name Brand Items 

You can find many name brand items on items such as toiletries, medicines and other household items.

Shop at Multiple Stores 

Selection often varies by location so don’t think you’ve seen everything by visiting one store. Some stores have an expansive freezer section while others don’t.

Don’t Miss Out on the Seasonal Holiday Items 

Each season, the store receives a large assortment of holiday items. it’s great for school parties where you can find plates, napkins, and treats.

Check out the bread aisle

While the selection can vary, you can often find loaves of bread from Sara Lee and Healthy Life for $1. So, for the next school break, stock up so you can serve the whole street PB & J.

Be Sure to Compare Prices 

So, it’s easy to get caught up in the fact that everything is $1 but on some items, it’s not exactly a savings. The item can be a smaller sized container. On the other hand, it’s the perfect places to shop for your next trip or when you send kids to camp and just need smaller sized items.

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