Bethesda Elementary
The Williamson County 4-H competition was held on Saturday January 31, 2015 at Franklin High School. The fourth grade winners from Bethesda Elementary are Perry Rogers, Sammy Wilson, Madison Palmer and Carter Burrell. Perry Rogers and Sammy Wilson won second place for their speeches; and Madison Palmer and Carter Burrell won third place for their speeches. The fifth grade winners are Olivia Bellini, Sarah Benchea, Maddox Reed, Jenna Holforty, Brooklyn Atkinson and McKinley Johnston. Olivia Bellini won first place for her speech on citizenship; Sarah Benchea won second place for her speech on trustworthiness; Jenna Holforty and Maddox Reed won third place; and Brooklyn Atkinson and McKinley Johnson won fourth place for their speech.
Heritage Elementary
Heritage Elementary held its 3rd Annual Daddy/Daughter Dance on February 6. The PTO-sponsored event had over 350 daughters in attendance with their fathers! Lifetouch portraits were taken; door prizes were given; and cake and punch was served. Girls from Pre-K to 5th grade had a wonderful time.
Heritage Middle
February is Black History Month and on Monday, February 9, Reverend Rueben Y. Dockery Sr. came and spoke with the HMS study body, faculty and staff on “A Century of Black Life, History and Culture.” Also during the assembly, the 8th Grade Choir performed and HMS student Abigail Jones recited the poem Inequality by the late Maya Angelou, an excerpt of Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech and performed a negro spiritual she learned for a civil rights march. During advisory on Tuesdays this month, our students will participate in activities that broaden their knowledge of black history.
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