On Wednesday, two extreme athletes from the US, Philip Theodore and Daley Ervin completed the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, known as the world’s toughest row. The pair completed the 3,000-mile race across the Atlantic in 45 days 9 hours and 21 minutes A US record time!
Rowing two hours on, two hours off, Phil and Daley (Team Beyond) raced in the gruelling competition to raise money for the Beyond Hunger Foundation; they hope to raise $1 million for their charity.
The conditions are tough on the Atlantic. During their 45 day journey they have battled tropical storms, 40ft waves, sleep deprivation, seasickness and excruciating body sores. And then, just as the end is near, the weather turns again, the rowing has to slow down “like rowing through mud”. But even in the pouring rain, Phil and Daley stepped on to Antigua soil, smiling.
Team mates Phil and Daley met competing in various ultra-marathons and triathlons. Phil hails from Tennessee and Daley is from New York City. Both states and their country should be very proud of them.
Their first meal after hitting land-Cheeseburgers and Beer.
Don’t miss the welcome home party on Feb 12 at Tin Roof on Carothers in Franklin. A night of celebration and to hear more about the 45 journey across the Atlantic. Learn more about the event on Facebook.
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