Photo of the Day: September 11, 2022

Gray Public Relations
photo from Gray Public Relations

Each day, we will bring you a photo of the day, showcasing the sights of Williamson County (and beyond). Whether it’s a photo of a local landmark, a park, a photo from an event or just a great photo from the area, we want to showcase our local communities throughout the next year.

Photo of the day: Franklin-based PR and marketing firm, Gray Public Relations, was recently recognized at the Nashville PRSA Chapter’s 36th Annual Parthenon Awards.

 The firm, in partnership with The Atkins Group, received awards in five categories for their work on behalf of the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s (TDOT) Nobody Trashes Tennessee litter prevention public education campaign.
Led by Franklin resident, Amy Gray, Gray Public Relations opened for business in 2005. In addition to TDOT, the firm represents several area businesses including H.G. Hill Realty Company and Sonata Bank.


We invite you to submit your original photos!

If you have a photo you would like to submit for Photo of the Day, click here. Please include a brief description of the photo and your name.


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