Make YOU a Priority!

By: Shellie Blanks Cimarosti
Co-owner of Team TaeBo
& TaeBo Head Master Instructor


In this day and age, everything is at our finger tips.  One touch, one swipe, one text, or button and we’ve got it.  Everything is instant.  However, what about instantly taking time out for YOU?  When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, many make the mistake of thinking they don’t have the time.  Life simply gets in the way.

However true this statement must be, it is imperative to make and then to take the time for yourself.  Taking time for yourself sets you up for success.  When people eat healthy and stick to a regular workout routine, they find they have more energy for other things.  Their focus gets sharper and overall mood improves.

It doesn’t have to be a drastic jump, just start by taking even 15 minutes to walk around the block and replace one unhealthy food with one healthy choice.  Start slowly and more than likely, you will stick to it.  Think of how a baby learns how to walk.  He or she doesn’t just jump up and start.  They go from laying on their backs, to sitting up, to pulling up and then eventually walking.  During that learning experience, all fall down a few times!  So, expect to slip up once in a while!  The most important thing is how you recover.  When you feel yourself slipping back into old habits, catch yourself and get back on track.  Most of us will find that there really are those extra minutes during the day to do something to better ourselves.  Start now, it’s never too late.


Visit for more advice from Team TaeBo and check out Shellie’s advice on being “Summer Ready” here!