Did You Know These Celebrities Were Adopted?

Faith Hill

November is National Adoption Month and today is Orphan Sunday. And what you may not know is there are quite a few celebrities that have been adopted, many living right here in our area-Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, and Scott Hamilton. Other celebrities that have been adopted include: Maya Angelou, Kristin Chenoweth, Steve Jobs, Eric Clapton, and former President Bill Clinton just to name a few.

Orphan Sunday is a day to remember there are millions of children who need a place to call home. These children in our society and around the world who don’t have parents are the most vulnerable as they have no one who can advocate for them. Orphan Sunday is about  the opportunity to assist in the care of an orphan whether your family chooses to adopt or not. There are ways to become involved in the care of orphans here and around the globe. One local group is doing just that, finding ways to care for orphans by feeding those who are hungry and assisting families who make the decision to adopt.  Show Hope, founded by Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife,Mary Beth Chapman founded Show Hope back in 2003. Over the years, they have assisted 5,000 families with adoption costs while providing life giving care to 300 orphans.

Recently, Show Hope launched the invisible bracelet as a way to provide food and support for orphans.  See the video below explaining how the invisible bracelet works.  To learn more about Show Hope, visit their website.

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