GFWC Spring Station Woman’s Club Distributes School Supplies to Local Schools

GFWC Spring Station Woman’s Club Distributes School Supplies to Local Schools

Members of the local GFWC Spring Station Woman’s Club recently visited local elementary and middle schools throughout Spring Hill and Thompson’s Station and delivered boxes of school supplies. These supplies were collected during a community-wide drive during the summer.

“We were thrilled with the amount of school supplies collected during the summer, thanks to the generosity of members of our local community,” said Bonni Lamey, local club member who spearheaded the project. “Staff and teachers at the schools can distribute the supplies to students, at their discretion, as needs are identified. This project falls under our Education and Libraries Community Service Program.”

The local club, GFWC Spring Station Woman’s Club, is part of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), an international women’s organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. They meet on the first Monday of each month, with location varying due to COVID restrictions.

Membership is open to those who seek friendship, fun, and fulfillment through community involvement.

Please contact for more information. Follow the organization’s local involvement by following them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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