The month of February at CPA has been dedicated to Love In Action, a K-12 service initiative focusing on the key component of serving others: love. During a month that is traditionally dedicated to romantic love, students learned what it means to love their neighbors suffering from poverty and hunger. Using their own unique gifts and talents, each school contributed to the project benefitting Room In The Inn, a Nashville non-profit that provides recovery to the homeless through education, self-help, and work.
The students’ service objective was to provide immediate relief to those on the streets of the city by creating “essentials kits” with assorted toiletries, necessities, and gift cards to McDonalds. Each grade contributed different items, ranging from toothpaste to shaving cream and disposable razors. Students of all ages collaborated with each other to assemble the kits in to individual bags in preparation for their delivery.
During the project, students were encouraged to use their own creativity and work together in serving. First graders teamed up with high schoolers to make Valentines for the kits. Middle school boys hosted a Cake Bake, made themed cakes, and auctioned them off to the middle school girls, raising more than $2,000 for the purchase of the McDonald’s gift cards. High school choir students sold singing telegrams throughout the school to raise money for the cause. Many learned the joy in serving, and the power of communal action.
“Bob Goff challenged us as a school in January to recognize God’s love for us, and out of that realization go forth and lavish love on others. It’s been really neat to see students of all different ages contribute to the cause in their own ways. By combining efforts to collect and assemble items into toiletry bags, our students not only served the homeless but each other throughout the process,” says Middle School Director of Student Services Megan Blalock.
Through the combined efforts of the campus, over 300 kits were assembled and will be delivered this month. A K-12 assembly was held afterwards for students to reflect on Love In Action and Room In The Inn’s ministry to those who call the streets of Nashville home.
“We learn unconditional love from the One who sent His son to die on the cross for our sins. As a community, it is our privilege and calling to show that love to our Nashville neighbors,” remarked Headmaster Nate Morrow at the assembly.
Love In Action allowed students across the Academy a mont- long participation in and meditation on God’s greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind,” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Matthew 22:37-39
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