Studio Novo Says It’s All About the Gluteus

If you have experienced a workout at Studio Novo, you will be familiar with the terms bungee kick, side leg press, donkey kick, all exercises that target the Gluteus.    As part of the Lagree Fitness system,  Studio Novo shared this info with us regarding the importance of having a strong Gluteus and the benefits from building up one the largest and most powerful muscles in your body.

Admit it, who doesn’t love a nice butt. However there is so much more to the glutes than a hot booty. Throughout history humans have admired and adored the buttocks, even as far back and ancient Greece. The glutes are a collection of muscles that combine to extend, abduct and rotate the leg. In addition they stabilize the trunk as a connection between the upper and lower torsos, and assist in maintaining an erect posture. They are composed of the Gluteus Maximus (GM), Gluteus Medius (Gmed), and Gluteus Minimus (Gmin). It is hypothesized that during the evolution from apes to humans, the gluteal muscles were an integral part of this, by allowing a transition to an upright posture and facilitating the ability to run long distances.

Functionally the Gluteus Maximus is a large powerful muscle, one of the most powerful in the human body. It’s the most superficial of the three gluteal muscles and makes up a large proportion of the shape and appearance of the buttocks.

Its main action is to extend the leg (move it backwards) and is responsible for the power during running and jumping. It also stabilizes the pelvis during motion and athletic activities such as lunges, step ups, squats and dead lifts. It originates on the fascia of the back muscles, sacrum, coccyx and ileum. It inserts into the Iliotibial tract and Femur. It creates a link between the trunk and the the lower extremities by its connection to the fascia of the paraspinal muscles.

Weak Gmed and Gmin muscles will cause problems during running and walking giving the subject a waddling gait. To test these muscles have the subject walk facing away from you. A sag in the pelvis is a sign of weak Gmed/Gmin muscles.

Training the Gmed Gmin on the megaformer is accomplished by exercises that work the outer thighs. Theses include: standing outer thighs, skating, squats with heaving springs and standing side kicks. The key to hitting these muscles is to contract the GM first and then move the carriage feeling the contraction of the Gmed/Gmin.

Isolation training of the glutes can improve athletic performance and prevent injuries. Using the Lagree Megaformer, trainers can work the GM and Gmed/ Gmin muscles in a targeted fashion or in concert with the other muscles of the core and lower extremities.

Since the Glutes are a large muscle group working to exhaustion will consume large quatities of oxygen which can help burn fat and create muscle.

For more information about Lagree Fitness, visit their website.  And to get that Gluteus in shape, visit Studio Novo Cool Springs for one of the best workouts for overall fitness, strength and agility.  Your first class is free, and  on Tuesday and Thursday they offer  Happy Hour classes for half-off.


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