School Year To End One Day Early for WCS Students

At the March 24th School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Mike Looney told Board members that he will request the district use one of the few unused inclement weather days and dismiss one day early this year.
The Board will vote on that request at its April meeting. If the request passes, the school year for students will end with a half day on Wednesday, May 21st. The final day for teachers will remain the same, Friday, May 23rd but teachers will spend May 22nd in professional development.

“Williamson County Schools plans to use the extra professional development day to give our teachers time to learn together with respect to a few key areas of focus,” said WCS Professional Development Coordinator Laurette Carle.  “Principals will lead the day at their sites with plans developed by the district to deepen understanding of Response to Intervention (RTI), our updated Scope and Sequence documents guiding instruction for the upcoming school year, and resources available for our transition to new assessments in 2014-15.”

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