Jury Duty Scammers Make Way Through Williamson County

scam alert

Franklin Police are warning residents of the jury duty scam that continues making its way through the area.old-lady-phone

Here is how the scam works:
The offender calls an unsuspecting resident, claiming to be with a local law enforcement agency. They tell the resident that they have not reported for jury duty, and then threatens their arrest unless the resident buys a prepaid card or iTunes gift card, loads it with money, and then arranges for transfer of those funds to the suspect.

This is not how the real police operate. In fact, police officers will never call you to demand payment in lieu of arrest. If you receive a phone call that you believe is part of a jury duty scam, or any other scam – hang up, and call your local law enforcement agency.

Children who have aging parents should talk with their loved ones about scams, and warn them to never give anyone numbers or codes to their credit cards, bank cards, or any personal or financial information over the telephone or in person.

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