Detective Sergio Guerra began patrolling Franklin neighborhoods in 1997. His last day on the force is Thursday.
Family, friends, colleagues, and community members will celebrate Guerra’s career at 2:30, February 24, at Franklin Police Headquarters, 900 Columbia Avenue.
Throughout his distinguished career, Guerra served as a Patrol Officer, Hostage Negotiator, and Firearms Instructor, before being promoted to Detective. During his tenure in that position, Guerra has worked closely with victims of rape and abuse, helping them find healing while holding their abusers accountable in criminal court.
“Detective Guerra has had an amazing career and been a great friend to all,” said Chief Deborah Faulkner. “We are thankful for his dedicated years of service to the City of Franklin.”
Sergio’s contributions to the Franklin Police Department and community have been immeasurable, and he will be greatly missed by everyone who has had the pleasure of serving alongside him.
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