Spring Cleaning, Get Organized With These 5 Tips

Spring Cleaning

Yesterday, Sara Skillen from SkillSet Organizing shared five ways to jump start your spring cleaning job. Today, we talk about what to do after you’ve found the motivation to get started.

Here are five tips on efficiently organizing your space, so next year your spring cleaning tasks aren’t so overwhelming!

1.  Once sorting is finished you can begin to put things in order.  Take away items that don’t belong – ASAP!  Don’t let the box for charity sit in the garage for a month—schedule a time for donations to be picked up as soon as you’re done.

2.  Take your “relocate” items to where they belong in other parts of your home (this exercise may inspire you to make plans for organizing other spaces!)

3.  What’s left should be only the items you truly use and/or love.  Decide if you need to purchase any bins, baskets, etc. to keep things together.  Measure spaces carefully so you don’t have to make returns.

4.  Arrange the area for success, and think about the best locations for your “Keep” items.  Put like items together, and place most-frequently used things in the spots that are easiest to reach.

5.  Make sure that you can see items so that you remember to use them.  Consider labeling spaces and containers so that you (and others) will put things back where they belong.  Enjoy your newly organized space!

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