Publix Adds Cakes to Online Ordering


Public customers can now order custom cakes from all Publix Super Markets stores through the retailer’s Online Easy Ordering platform.

Some of the available options include Decadent Dessert and Special Edition Cakes, theme Cakes with standardized designs that can be made with custom cake flavors and fillings; and Design Your Own Cake, where customers choose the cake flavor, filling, icing and decorations.publix cake

Wedding cakes and other specialty cakes are not available through the online system, but customers can still order them by visiting the in-store bakery.

“Our customers look to Publix to provide high-quality cakes for all their milestone celebrations,” said Maria Brous, Publix director of media and community relations. “Offering decorated cakes, special edition cakes and decadent desserts through OEO is another way to extend premier customer service and add convenience to event planning.”

In September 2012, Publix introduced OEO by offering sliced meats and cheeses, and custom subs and wraps through a 50-store pilot. Based on its success, OEO began rolling out companywide in July 2013. In October 2014, Publix added bakery, deli and seafood platters and deli holiday dinners to its online offerings. OEO for bakery cakes was tested in 50 stores across several market areas earlier this year to better understand customer response and overall performance.

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