Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home will Receive a Makeover

RESA Chapter

In the coming weeks, the Greater Nashville Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) will begin a makeover for the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home (TBCH) cottages located in Brentwood.

Kristie Barnett of The Decorologist/ Regional Vice President of RESA wanted to find a way for the group to give back to the community. Barnett says, “Giving back and serving our community is something we  (RESA) believe we can do together as a group in larger ways than we can do individually.”

Amy Greenman (Greenman Interiors and fellow RESA member) brought it to the attention of the group that a few of the residences at TBCH were in need of a makeover. TBCH is a nonprofit organization that provides residential placement and foster care for children in crisis, and Amy’s husband is a social worker there.

After the RESA Chapter made several visits to the campus they committed to making over 8 bedrooms that about 24 girls cycle through while living at TBCH, as well as 3 communal living areas in the houses there. In order to complete the project, 12 olocal RESA members are donating their time and talents to this exciting project.

Here is a before picture of one of the rooms.
Tennessee Baptist Children's Home

Below is an inspiration board Kristie Barnett created for one of the bedrooms in the girls’ homes:
The Decorologist OB-Tradewind-Girls-Room-750x422

In working on the project, Barnett has created a neutral color scheme that will translate for both girls and boys and the children will often rotate between two different homes. They are also giving the house parents an option of three different color schemes for the shared living areas.

To make this project possible, Sherwin-Williams is partnering with RESA to help provide the paint for the project, and the Clarcor Filter Foundation has generously donated the funds to purchase new furnishings and decor for the spaces.

Keep checking back here as we will follow this project and give you updates as they complete the makeover. RESA is in need of donations for gently used books to fill new bookcases, contact daria@thedecorologist for more information.

RESA stagers involved: Amanda Carlson, Leigh Ann Portale, Jamie Watford, Karen Hattan, Shelley McCoy, Kristie Barnett, Elizabeth Scruggs, Molly Hendricks, Kim Pierce, Angela Myers, Carly Ripp, Carol Lindsay, Amy Dennison, Amy Greenman, Andrea and Cory Click.

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  1. It’s been a blast, and I’m so glad to be a part of this!!
    Can’t wait to see everyone’s “big reveal!”

  2. as a former houseparent who lived with a “Brady Bunch” orange kitchen in Hart Cottage in the early 90s I’m glad to see this

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