Needs of Our Kids Helps Students in Financial Crisis Every Day

Photo provided by NOOK website.

Seven years ago, a group of Poplar Grove school moms noticed that teachers, nurses, and social workers were using their own funds to help kids whose families could not support their basic needs.  As the number of kids with these needs grew, this group of moms organized with a goal of bridging the immediate gap when a family is in crisis. That was when Needs of Our Kids (NOOK) was formed. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit providing basic every-day needs on demand until families can get the broader resources they need to get back on their feet. 

“The Mission of the NOOK,” said Allison Gamble, NOOK Community Development and Fundraising Committee, “is to support school staff in the Franklin Special School District and the schools of Williamson County as they work to ensure that all students enter the classroom ready to learn and succeed in achieving their individual potential.” 

Fully supported by the school boards and the individual schools in the two systems, NOOK has a Volunteer on Call every school day. All of the school nurses, counselors, and parent liaisons have an app on their phones that allows them to make requests of the NOOK team. When NOOK receives a call, they immediately go into action either purchasing the needed items or obtaining them from their warehouse and delivering them that same day to the school making the request. They provide only new items, including shoes and socks, underwear, clothing, basic hygiene items, and family support including food boxes through One Generation Away and prescription eyewear through OneSight.

“We are a one-hundred percent volunteer-led organization and we spend ninety-nine percent of all donations directly on school and student needs,” explained Gamble.  “Even accounting for the organization is donated by a volunteer. Currently the organization boasts more than 30 volunteers.”  

With an annual budget of $65,000, over the last seven years they have been able to provide $196,000 in clothing, hygiene essentials and gas cards; 9,000 pounds of food; and 100 pairs of glasses. They have also given $10,000 in Hope Grants and $33,000 in college scholarships. 

The organization is funded through grants and individual donations. Anyone wishing to help can make a monetary donation at 

Some items that NOOK always needs are feminine hygiene, deodorant, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, socks, and underwear. They love working with groups, large and small, who want to do a drive for often needed items and/or clothing. Any group interested in hosting a drive can contact Gamble at [email protected]. 

“The broader world may not imagine a need exists in a place like Franklin for these services,” added Gamble, “but the reality is that every community has poverty and families in crisis.  Forty percent of kids in Franklin are on the free and reduced lunch program.  The census tells us that 5.1% of our community lives in poverty.  That equates to over 4,000 people….[We believe that every] child deserves the dignity of having their basic needs met in order to stay in school.  We also partner with organizations like One Gen Away to get food to families and the Path Project, an after-school program in Franklin Estates.”

NOOK grants and scholarships can be applied for by emailing [email protected] to ask for the necessary forms. NOOK grants were designed to provide things that students might need for physical, educational, athletic or social enrichment that will enhance their educational experience. Examples of items funded include summer programs like Young Scholars, sports equipment, special event fees, orchestra camp, and more. Applications may be submitted by a school system employee, then the Grants Committee will evaluate requests to determine qualification. There is no minimum amount for the grant, however there is a maximum amount of $250. There will also be a family maximum of $250 each year.  Additionally, NOOK awards scholarships for post-high school education of all types to deserving WCS students. 

For more information contact Allison at [email protected] or visit their website at        

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