John Luke Robertson has grown up on his family’s A&E hit reality television show “Duck Dynasty,” and now, as a newly married college freshman his adventure is just beginning with the release of his new book Young and Beardless: The Search for God, Purpose, and a Meaningful Life (Thomas Nelson) on Tuesday, May 17. The author and reality star has been interviewed on various news outlets and national radio programs while in NYC release week.
“Being young and beardless is more than a lack of life experience or facial hair,” writes Robertson. “It’s about learning, growing, and trying to figure out where you fit in the world. And being able to do great things has nothing to do with where you are in life, what your past is, which family you were born into, or how small your town is. It has to do with your faith in the great and loving God that you serve.”
In Young and Beardless, Robertson focuses a great deal on how to build a dream for one’s life, how to create a plan to turn that dream into reality and how to surround oneself with supportive people. With humor and refreshing honesty, Robertson shares perspective on taking chances, choosing a spouse and embracing who God created each person to be.
“Suddenly I realized that I had choices to make,” writes Robertson. “And not because of Duck Dynasty, or because I was the son of Willie Robertson or the grandson of Phil Robertson, but because I was the son of a living God—who, in His wisdom, handed me an envelope that was labeled opportunities.”
John Luke will be making an appearance in Atlanta on June 16-18 at Atlanta Fest featuring Toby Mac,Jeremy Camp,Tenth Avenue North,Love & the Outcome and many others. For more information visit the Atlanta Fest website.
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