Inches vs. Pounds

By: Shellie Blanks Cimarosti
Co-owner of Team TaeBo
& TaeBo Head Master Instructor


So, you’ve just started on your exercise journey and are excited about the “new you.”   What should be your focus?

When embarking on your new adventure, it will be natural to want to get up every morning and jump on the scale to check if pounds have been lost.  Whenever your body begins a new program, it is being shocked into something that it has never done before and yes, the scale will change.  This will be especially true if you also change your eating habits right away.   However, it is important to remember that the radical scale change will not always be the case.

As time goes on, your muscle tone and definition will start to develop and become more apparent.  As this happens, the scale may jump up a couple of pounds, since muscle does weigh more than fat.  Don’t let this alarm you.  When this happens, start to determine your success by inches lost and how clothes are fitting.  You will probably see that you are dropping down in clothing sizes and fitting into things that have been pushed to the back of your closet.

So, pull them out and get ready to look and feel great!

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