Dislike Noisy Eaters-Read This

A new study out says that if you have trouble filtering out noisy eaters, you might just be a genius. This new study completed by Northwestern University states the inability  to filter out noises is a common issue with  creative types of people.  You are in good company as creative geniuses like Charles Darwin, Anton Chekhov and Marcel Proust all wore ear plugs to drown out noise even going so far as to have their bedrooms lined with cork.

The next time your spouse is annoying you with loud chewing or crunching of food, just say you are a creative genius!

Find the rest of the story at the Telegraph.

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Donna Vissman
Donna is one of those former corporate types (Xerox) who wanted to try something new. She went from marketing to blogger and now Lifestyle Reporter, and is always on the lookout for what’s trending in restaurants, new stores, charity events, and entertainment. To keep up the pace, Donna is usually found drinking at least one Cold Brew coffee a day or on a busy day, make it two.