High End Men’s Boutique in Brentwood Closes

Townsend Style

Brentwood resident, Trish Townsend, opened Townsend Style in Brentwood last year.  As a celebrity stylist for years, she has worked with Carrie Underwood, Blake Shelton,Vince Gill, Alan Jackson and John Rich. Townsend Style

Her boutique is located in the same space as Barbour 3 in Brentwood on Town Center Way. Townsend Style, a dedicated high end men’s store with the likes of designers John Varvatos, Kent and Curwen.

But with the demands of a grueling schedule and maintaining the store, Townsend decided it was time to close the store to focus on her styling business. In the next few weeks, the store will be closing but you can take advantage of the sale. All items in the store are currently 50-70% off. Not only does the store offer men’s clothing selections but they also have a small section of women’s accessories and jewelry–a perfect way to start Christmas shopping in July!

Townsend Style is located at 7110 Town Center Way in Brentwood with hours of operation Tuesday – Saturday 11am – 4pm.  Follow Townsend Style on Facebook for the latest updates.

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