For the next few weeks on Sunday mornings Williamson Source will be bringing sermons from the past courtesy of Time Capsule Ministries:
Based on the scripture Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and to the ages to come” – Time Capsule Ministries was established to recreate historical sermons from the 19th century for the purpose of engaging audiences with inspiring messages that not only entertain through dramatic reenactments, but will also be inviting to those who might not attend a traditional church service. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached for centuries and through the years sermons have been preserved in time for future generations. Rev. Alan Corry of Franklin, dressed in period attire, provides a brief discussion on the period and the events that inspired a specific message before asking audiences to step-back in time as he presents an adaptation of a sermon. Recent articles about the ministry have appeared in Civil War News.
About Rev. Alan Corry & TCM:
Rev. Corry works for the Battle of Franklin Trust as the Community Relations and Merchant Ticket Sales Manager. He is also been a Historical Interpreter at the Carter House since Aug 2007. He teaches night classes as an adjunct Instructor of Psychology at Columbia State Community College and at O’More College of Design. He was ordained in 1990 after graduating with masters of art degrees in Counseling and Christian Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has worked on several church staffs in the areas of youth, college, single adults and adult education. For him, Time Capsule Ministries is more than a hobby because it has the potential of truly ministering to people because of the gospel message that is presented with each sermon. Although he does not charge a set fee to do a historical sermon for a church or reenactment, he does ask for an honorarium or request permission to pass the hat and ask for a love offering to help offset the expenses of doing this type of ministry.
The idea of starting Time Capsule Ministries came from his interest in history and through his studies of the chaplains of the Civil War. When he was asked to preach at the reenactments at Franklin and then to do a sermon at Kings’ Chapel in Arrington, TN, he realized this was an opportunity to preach and reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ in a unique way. Although most of his recent sermon reenactments have been from the Civil War period, he has done some as early as the American Revolution and The Second Great Awakening periods of the 1830-40’s. Sermons are from a variety of evangelical denomination, such as Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, and Presbyterian, Anglican and not just from early American history; many great sermons are found in the European archives.
Rev. Corry lives in Franklin. He and his wife, Carla, have been married 25 years and they have two teenage children.
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