Every Saturday morning between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Nashville Cars and Coffee gathers in the Carmike 20 theater parking lot in Franklin and the first Saturday of the month is “exotic” C&C.
The gathering is a very loose and relaxed event run by the car community, drawing an array of people– some old timers, some kids, and a lot of 35+ car owners. I even saw some smart car owners, relaxing in lawn chairs to relax with their morning coffee.
It;s straight forward–bring your ride, exotic, specialty or any motorized transportation and show it off to the group and onlookers. There are some loose rules they try to adhere to so they can keep having the events at the theater.
- Pick up your trash! – if trash is left than likely the Carmike Theater will put a stop to the gatherings.
- Drive slow entering and exiting the parking lot and no burnouts!
- Keep your dog at home.
If you’re a car enthusiast, I would recommend you mark your calendar and check out the Nashville Cars and Coffee event. If you don’t have a sweet ride, no biggie, come enjoy your Saturday morning with some coffee and view some amazing vehicles.
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