GFWC Spring Station Woman’s Club Names Outstanding Members for 2021


Members of the GFWC Spring Station Woman’s Club recently selected an Outstanding Member of the Year and an Outstanding Rookie of the Year for 2021. The purpose of these awards is to promote volunteerism and give annual recognition to outstanding GFWC of TN members. These names have been submitted to the GFWC of TN to be considered for the overall state awards which will be announced in April at their annual state convention. Judging criteria is based on GFWC activities (75%), other community activities (15%), and
home, family, self-enrichment, talents and individuality (10%).

Nan Kopleck- 2021 Outstanding Member of the Year

The GFWC Spring Station Woman’s Club recently named Nan Kopleck as the Outstanding Member of the Year for 2021. Nan joined the club and quickly realized that we were severely lacking in our efforts to effectively preserve natural resources, so she stepped up to be our Environment Community Service Project Chair. During her chairmanship, the club has adopted not one, but two, different streets through the City of Spring Hill’s Adopt a Street program. This past year she recorded approximately 100 hours in dedicated litter eradication efforts and she scheduled and spearheaded approximately 20 litter pickup events. Nan stays abreast of any efforts in our community, whether city, county or state, organizational or individual, to discourage the litter issue and keeps our club members in-

Patti Kish- 2021 Outstanding Rookie of the Year

Patti Kish was named as the Outstanding Rookie of the Year for 2021. Patti joined the club early in 2021, and immediately jumped in by agreeing to be the Chair for the Civic Engagement and Outreach Community Service Project. In this role she coordinated our Club booth at Hogfest, featuring the popular piggie races; coordinated our club’s efforts to adopt a family during the holidays; prepared bingo prize bags for a local assisted living facility. Patti also attended the 2021 GFWC of TN state convention, the 2021 GFWC of TN fall conference, and completed LEADS training. She participated in other club projects such as the annual school supply drive, attended the Spring Hill Chamber luncheons to represent the club, and assisted with the TRTL book drive project for the Waverly Elementary School

The General Federation of Women’s Clubs is an international organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. The GFWC Spring Station Woman’s Club is a local club of GFWC. Membership is open to those who seek friendship, fun, and fulfillment through community involvement. Meetings for the local club take place on the first Monday of each month (except for holidays) at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the Winchester Community Building on Maury Hill Street in Spring Hill. Social networking begins at 6:00 p.m.

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