Franktown Festival of Lights Sets 2019 Dates

FrankTown Festival of Lights 2019

FranktownFestival of Lights, Williamson County’s only drive-thru light display featuring a full mile of holiday illumination, will be unwrapped for the first time this holiday season. The month plus long dazzling light display will return for a second year on Nov. 22 and run through Dec. 28, offering daily viewings of the light spectacle from 6-10 p.

Located at the Williamson County Ag Center, the $25 per car will help support Franktown Open Hearts, a local organization serving inner city youth and their families. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the gate. More information is available at

New this year is a Santa Village where kids and adults of all ages can take pictures with Santa, eat delicious holiday goodies, and play on holiday-themed rides. This is sure to get everyone in the Christmas spirit!

About Franktown Open Hearts
Franktown Open Hearts works with over 150 inner city youth ages 8-18, by extending academic assistance, mentoring, nutrition, recreation, and vocational training. In an effort to further serve the families, they serve multiple meals every week, while also providing transportation. Founded in 2005, Franktown Open Hearts aims to inspire, empower, and equip at-risk youth in Franklin.

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