Dolly Parton Makes Announcement Regarding Relief to Gatlinburg Victims

dolly parton

On Saturday, Dolly Parton announced another way in which she will help the Gatlinburg victims who were affected by the wildfires, reported MusicRow magazine. 

Parton is organizing a telethon taking place on December 13 in Nashville.

“I know there are a lot of great events being planned to help the people of East Tennessee, however, I am planning a telethon to support the ‘My People Fund’ where 100% of the money will help those who lost their homes in the wildfire. I am planning on doing this on Dec. 13th in Nashville, Tennessee,” says Parton.

All of the proceeds for the telethon will go to Dolly’s “My People Fund “ initiative with no monies taken from the telethon effort to cover administration cost.

At this time, there is no information available as to the artist line-up or location.  Keep checking back here for more information as we receive it.

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