“Django Unchained” is the story of bounty hunter/retired dentist Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz) and his unlikely partner, slave turned free man, Django (Jamie Foxx). Set two years before the Civil War, Dr King Schultz and Django set off across the South in search of their bounties and Django’s wife, Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), who is rumored to be working on a plantation called Candieland, run by Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his right hand man Stephen (Samuel L. Jackson).
There’s no sugarcoating “Django Unchained.” Much like Tarantino’s previous films (“Reservoir Dogs,” “Pulp Fiction,” “Kill Bill,” “Inglorious Bastards”), it is gritty, bloody and often violent. However, Tarantino harmonizes the violent scenes with humorous and tender moments, giving viewers a reprieve from the intensity of the subject matter.
Every star of the movie is absolutely superb. Waltz, also known for Inglorious Bastards, delivers a stellar performance as a cool, calm and calculated killer who not only employs Django but also befriends him, concocting a wild plan to reunite him with his wife. Waltz is a natural storyteller on film and a perfect fit for Tarantino’s dialogue driven style.
Django is less verbose than his counterpart, and thus Foxx expresses his character in a more physical way. His passion to find his wife is evident in his powerful stance and steely eyes. And his lines, when spoken, are more powerful because they are more rare. (A single sentence to his long, lost wife is enough to make her swoon!)
And one cannot write about this film without mentioning DiCaprio’s performance, which is one of his most intriguing film performances. DiCaprio plays a wealthy plantation owner, who partakes in Mandingo fighting (the act of buying slaves to fight other slaves to the death). DiCaprio’s interpretation of his character is ruthless, passionate and frightening.
‘Django Unchained’ is definitely a must see for any Tarantino fan. It is an intriguing, darkly humorous film worthy of its hype.
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