There’s Hidden Cash Out There!

It’s a trend that is sweeping many cities in the nation. Individuals who anonymously just want to give back and spread some cheer. Williamson Source was fortunate enough to get an interview with the benefactor of Hidden Cash Nashville:

What is Hidden Cash Nashville?

Once a week, 52 total, mostly on Saturdays, but occasionally on weekdays when the business isn’t open on the weekends,I’ve stashed an envelope with cash. I give clues through social media and the first person to ask:”May I have the envelope ,PLEASE” gets the cash I have put in the red envelope.


How did this get started?

 I’m a motivational speaker and business owner. When I saw the story of Hidden Cash starting in San Francisco, I was immediately motivated to bring such a powerful and uplifting movement to my adopted hometown of Nashville, which I dearly love.


In a nutshell, I lost everything I’d worked my whole life to build in the Nashville flood of 2010. Cleanup and rebuilding my business was the most financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting thing I’ve ever experienced. Yet what I remember most is the kindness of total strangers. This is my way of paying it back and paying it forward at the same time.


I’m also the Secret Santa of Nashville (  and give away $100 bills to shoppers at a local Goodwill store each Christmas . The Hidden Cash movement was a logical way to extend the Christmas spirit throughout the year.


Last week Williamson Source was at Savory Spice Shop in Downtown Franklin where the young lady pictured above read the clues and won! Where will the next red envelope be? Find out by following Hidden Cash Nashville through these venues:

Twitter @HCashNashville





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