Hot Tubs & Pools During COVID-19: The Latest CDC Recommendations

From Peek Pools and Spas

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You have a beautiful backyard, complete with hot tub or swimming pool. But youā€™re missing the connectivity of being in community face-to-face with your friends and family members. Maybe you hesitate to invite them over, concerned about your own safety, as well as the health and safety of your family and other guests. Fair enough. After all, weā€™re still beginning to learn and understand this disease, which means the information is always changing.

So what are the latest updates, guidelines and recommendations from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)? Read on to make the most informed, up-to-date decision.

COVID Is Not Transmitted Through Water

The most current research indicates COVID-19 is not transmitted to humans through the use of recreational waters. This is wonderful news! The care youā€™re already taking of your pool or hot tub is sufficient to keep you and your loved ones safe. Though COVID is not transmitted via water, there are other considerations to take into account.

Adhere to Local Health Protocols

While itā€™s comforting to know the novel virus cannot be spread through the water, at Peek Pools, we always support local health departmentsā€™ protocols to keep our communities safe. Continue to adhere to the regulations set forth by your local government in conjunction with your local health department. After all, this disease moves differently throughout different communities.

Practice Hygiene and Social Distancing Etiquette

It didnā€™t take us long to incorporate social distancing and mask wearing into our daily lives and vocabulary. And the hygiene guidelines, such as staying six feet apart, more frequent hand washing, covering every cough and sneeze, and so on are helping in the fight against the coronavirus.

These hygiene etiquettes should continue to be practiced even while outside and in the water. Donā€™t extend invitations beyond your capacity to socialize with adequate space, both in and out of the water. As you can, try to spread chairs, loungers, and other seating apart by six feet. Hygiene etiquette also includes making sure surfaces and linens, such as towels, are cleaned and disinfected regularly in between uses.

Behavior Outside the Water

If you are hosting a pool party, encourage guests to adhere to the same rules out of water, on the deck, that they would at a restaurant or another public place. Here are a few things you can do to promote better health and reduce the risk of spreading COVID:

  • Have guests bring their own food. Do not share food, drinks, utensils, etc. If providing food, have one person serve plates; avoid family style or self-serve.
  • Wear masks when outside the water and when six feet of distance canā€™t be maintained.
  • Have hand sanitizer available for guests.
  • Minimize the need for guests to go indoors. Move everything that will be needed for your gathering outside so that guests do not need to go in and out of the home.

What About Masks?

While being outdoors does reduce the likelihood of spreading the virus, itā€™s low-risk, not no-risk. Yes, the wind and air can dilute the spread. But itā€™s not a magic fix. If you are outside and communing with others, especially conversing face-to-face, wearing a mask is still recommended by the CDC. However, masks should not be worn while playing in the water. A wet mask can make it harder to breathe.

Peek Pools is always at your service to design and install your outdoor living spaces, pools, hot tubs, and water features. Enjoy your space safely. For more information, call 615-866-8800.

Contact Peek Pools to start planning your pool construction and outdoor luxury kitchen/ living space today!

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