Recent FBI Report Shows Crime Has Increased in Williamson County

williamson county crime

Comparing the F.B.I.’s recently released report of crime from last year to its report from 2014, violent and property crimes in Williamson County cities increased, while in the state as a whole those crime rates fell.

   Year Total Violent Crimes Property Crimes
 County total  up 6.7% up 19.6% up 5.4%
2014 2539 249 2290
2015 2711 298 2413
Brentwood  up 2.7%  down 11%  up 3.4%
2014 374 19 355
2015 384 17 367
Franklin  up 10%  up 53%  up 6.8%
2014 1089 99 990
2015 1209 151 1058
Spring Hill  up 14.3%  up 35%  up 12%
2014 376 37 339
2015 430 50 380
Nolensville  up 10.6%  up 16% up 9%
2014 66 6 60
2015 73 7 66
Fairview  up 44%  down 54%  up 74.4%
2014 115 29 86
2015 166 17 149
 County  down 13.5% down 5%  down 10.1%
2014 519 59 460
2015 449 56 393
TN city average*  down 7.9%  down 11%  down 6.9%
2014 794.6 142.4 652.2
2015 734.9 126.5 607.3

*Using the 230 municipalities in the state

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