10 Ways to Boost Energy

boost energy

The afternoon slump, the constant fatigue, the “I don’t want to get up,” or the “I’m so tired” doesn’t have to be a constant feeling. Here are 10 ways to boost your energy.


Getting enough sleep is one of the most important steps you should take to increase your energy. You might often convince yourself that 6 hours or 5 hours is enough, but it’s really not.The truth is that we need 8 full hours of sleep and many people need more.

2Reduce Stress

Stress is one of the biggest things that suck the energy from our body. Letting stress take over your life or rule how you react to the things that you need to do will often make you less productive, interrupt your sleep, force you to skip meals, and generally make you feel more tired. Finding ways to reduce that stress through creative outlets, meditation, or making plans for your week and day can help you to feel like you have more energy and are getting more done.

3Don’t Skip Breakfast (and eat every 4 hours)

The most common mistake that people make is skipping breakfast and not eating enough. When you’re busy, it can be very easy to skip meals. What happens if you skip meals is that you will be extremely hungry (and tired) at the end of the day and probably over eat. Food equals energy, so making sure that you are eating all your meals is one of the most important habits to follow in order to have more energy.

4Cut Sugar, Reduce Carbs, Increase Protein

Not only is how often you eat important, but also what you eat. Sugar and simple carbs don’t give the same amount of energy as complex carbs and protein will give you. When planning out your meals for the day, it is important to make sure you are getting enough protein for your body and getting all the nutrients you need. Make sure to stick with whole grains as this is where the majority of your energy comes from.

5Drink Water

This is especially important during the summer. Being dehydrated also drains your energy. It is important to make sure that you are drinking enough fluids, especially water, to stay hydrated, as well as, energized.

6B-12 Shots

Vitamin B, in all its forms, is known for increasing energy. If you’ve ever looked at the label of an energy drink, you will notice it packs a huge dose of B-12. However, the other ingredients in energy drinks are more harmful than helpful and there is a much better and healthier way of getting your vitamin B levels up and increasing your energy. B-12 shots allow your body to properly absorb more of the vitamin meaning a better and longer lasting boost.


In combination with healthy eating and staying hydrated, exercise will boost your energy in several ways. It relieves stress, increases your metabolism giving you more energy to use throughout the day, it can also help you sleep better, and overall, is a great way to live a healthy lifestyle.

8Get Some Sun

Most people, especially women, are deficient in vitamin D, an important nutrient in making sure that you have energy throughout the day. While you can get this through milk, the best way to increase this vitamin in your system is to get a little healthy sun. Spending just 10 minutes outside every day can mean a huge difference for you.

9Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

Did you know oxygen helps boost energy? A hyperbaric oxygen chamber is a place where you sit or lay down and breathe in oxygen. Not only do you get an energy boost but there are many other benefits like healthier skin to a better functioning body in general.

10Hormone Therapy

Often times our lack of energy is due to hormone levels being off. As we age, this is a normal thing that happens to our body, but bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can make a big difference by curbing the symptoms of aging allowing for you to have more energy.

Locally, you can learn more about B-12 shots, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and hormone replacement therapy at Premier Age Management.

For more information about Premier Age Management’s services, visit their website, call them at 615-649-9600, or visit their locations in Brentwood or Hendersonville.