Discovery Virtual K-8 and Vanguard Virtual High are the new names of the district’s online schools.
The Williamson County Board of Education approved the two suggestions from the WCS Naming Committee at its November 18 meeting. The names were the top choices of the committee and the students attending each school.
“Our students, staff and families are so excited that we are now Discovery Virtual K-8 School,” said Principal Dr. Kari Miller. “Even though we’ve felt like a real school for many months, having a name makes it official. Not only are we gaining a name, we are also gaining an identity. Just as the name Discovery Virtual signifies, we will be exploring the unknown, learning in new spaces and charting new territory in our learning.”
Vanguard Virtual High School Principal Allison Fisher says her school community is also excited about its new identity.
“We love our new name,” said Fisher. “Our students feel very strongly that Vanguard captures the essence of the innovation taking place in our virtual environment.”
In the coming months, the schools will select a mascot, logo and school colors. For more information about the two schools, visit the Discovery Virtual K-8 website and the Vanguard Virtual High website. If you are having trouble reaching the school websites from the “Schools” dropdown menu on the district website, try clearing your cache.
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