Read This Before Embracing Urban Chicken Trend in Brentwood

urban chickens

City of Brentwood recently reminded its citizens of the restrictions in Brentwood on raising urban chickens. The urban chicken trend has been on the rise in major cities across the country. A grassroots movement for having local eggs could have you ending up housing illegal residents in your own backyard. Read what the City of Brentwood has to say about urban chickens below.

Occasionally the City receives inquiries about the possibility of raising urban chickens. For the uninitiated, an urban chicken is much like its country counterpart, only it lives in your back yard. If your Brentwood yard happens to be 3 acres in size, you’re good to go. It’s farm-fresh for you and the kids.

Having said that, you may still want to carefully evaluate the wisdom of getting a rooster. It is entirely possible you swill become persona non grata at neighborhood parties, and your house may receive more eggs than it produces. 🙂

If you don’t have three acres, nearly-farm-fresh will have to do. The same holds true for ducks, geese, cows, horses, and even bees. If it quacks, moos, neighs, or buzzes, please make sure it can enjoy 3 acres owned by you. It would also be a good idea to check with your homeowner’s association – they may have rules more restrictive than the City’s.

Have questions about all of this? Please call Brentwood Planning and Codes Department at 615-371-2204.

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