Proclamation Issued Declaring Work Zone Awareness Week

The Governor has proclaimed April 14th – 20th of 2013 as Work Zone Awareness Week to remind everyone that we are in this together. TDOT will spread the word this week in hopes to make work zones safer for all. Several buildings in major cities will be illuminated in orange to signify the event.

Haslam-Proclamation“As we head into the busy construction season, motorists will encounter more maintenance workers, utility personnel, and construction workers on Tennessee’s roadways,” said TDOT Commissioner John Schroer. “I want to remind all drivers to stay alert and focused and exercise caution and patience when driving through work zones across the state. Doing so will help ensure everyone stays safe.”

The spring and summer months provide perfect weather for highway work, and motorists will encounter work zones across Tennessee in downtowns, along interstates and in rural areas.  Work zones in urban areas can be especially complex due to limited space for workers and equipment as well as high traffic volumes. Awareness and advance planning is important for everyone affected by work zones – DOTs, road workers, drivers, bicyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians, emergency responders, law enforcement, and utility workers.

Last year in Tennessee, of the 12 people who died in work zone crashes, nine were either drivers or vehicle passengers, and three were construction workers. TDOT has lost 108 employees in the line of duty since 1948.

“The reality is – work zones can sometimes be more dangerous for motorists than the workers,” added TDOT Commissioner John Schroer. “Typically, the number of motorists killed in work zone crashes far surpasses the number of workers killed,” said Commissioner Schroer. “Motorists must pay close attention while traveling through work zones, and be prepared for changing conditions and sudden stops.”

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