Party Like It’s 1922: Tips on Hosting a Downton Abbey Party

downton abbey party

by Darci Swisher

Hosting a Downton Abbey-themed party may seem like a difficult undertaking without the help of Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes.

But Texans Jenny Smith and her husband Justin paid homage to the popular PBS series about the aristocratic Crawley family and their sprawling estate with a “Downton Abbey” costume party.

“Our family and friends are all big fans of the show, and we decided it would be a fun way to celebrate watching the Oscars,” Smith says.

Smith turned to Pinterest for inspiration, using a board to collect and sort ideas. “I created handmade garlands, invitations and a painted backdrop of the mansion for our photo booth,” she says. “Everyone picked a character from the show and dressed up as them. It was very involved.”

Smith developed the menu by perusing “The Unofficial Downton Abbey Cookbook” (Adams Media, 2012) as well as researching recipes from the era, and then asked family members to each create one aspect of the meal. Guests noshed on blueberry scones, cucumber finger sandwiches, olives and shepherd’s pie. They also had sugar cookies cut in the shapes of dresses, teacups and other period items and decorated to complement the TV show.

The costume contest was one of the most popular points of the evening, with the winner in wacky, repurposed clothing, receiving the “Downton Cup” filled with chocolate gold coins.

In all of the excitement, Smith says her biggest challenge was to be flexible and relaxed before and during the theme party. “If you want to make it rigidly perfect you’ll probably either spend way too much or will be disappointed,” she says.

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