Hillsboro Road Work Starting Again

Hillsboro road

Ah, summertime. Unfortunately for commuters, it is also construction time.

On May 19, the City of Franklin, will continue improvement work on Hillsboro Road from its intersection with Del Rio Drive to Mack Hatcher Parkway.

Construction along the 0.827 mile stretch will last, according to Monique McCullough, public outreach specialist for Franklin, until July 2017.

The project is the second phase of the overall Hillsboro Road Improvements Project, and includes roadway and utility infrastructure upgrades. The plan will add additional turn lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic signal upgrades, streetlights, an underground utility duct bank for relocating all overhead utility lines, storm sewer upgrades, water line and sanitary sewer upgrades and other utility relocations. The city will add a traffic signal at the intersection of Hillsboro Road and Claude Yates Drive.

For more information, and for continuing updates on the progress of the project, you can go to Franklin’s site on the project.

Or for a complete PDF of the project’s plans, with graphics, click here or on the gallery below.

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  1. City changed plans to save money so no sidewalks or landscaping north of ClaudeYates wont be safe to walk to school from the north side. Unfortunate

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