Covenant Presbyterian Church announced it will hold Easter Sunday service in its sanctuary.
Last week, the church held its weekly service at Christ Presbyterian Church in Brentwood on Sunday evening; this will be the first time the congregation has gathered on campus since the shooting incident at the school on Monday, March 27th.
They shared, “We are pleased to announce that Easter services will be held in Covenant’s sanctuary at 8:30 and 11:00 on Sunday, April 9th, with a time of fellowship and refreshments between services. Childcare will not be available. We look forward to joining together as a body of Christ in the Covenant sanctuary to worship our risen Lord!”
Parking for the services will be available on-site with security by Metro Police. The sanctuary, including the balcony and grand staircase, cry room, fellowship hall, portico entrance, and main hallway from the portico to the narthex, will all be open. The education and office wings on the first and second floors will be closed.
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