Williamson County Parks and Recreation (WCPR) is pleased to announce that local citizens and their families can purchase personalized, commemorative bricks for the new Williamson County Enrichment and Performing Arts Centers. The two buildings are now under construction on the old Battle Ground Academy (BGA) campus, a Franklin landmark institution founded in 1889 and located at 112 Everbright Ave. They join the thriving campus currently consisting of Academy Park, the Williamson County Public Library and Renaissance High School.
The Williamson County Enrichment Center, site of the old Fleming Hall, will provide senior and therapeutic recreation programs, fitness and dance classes, community potlucks, special events and more. The Performing Arts Center, located inside the former Cloverdale Hall, will become the home of WCPR’s Star Bright Players Children’s Theatre, housing a 300-seat state-of-the-art theatre space for dramatic productions, musical performances, camps and workshops. Both buildings will be available for rental to the public for meetings, events and theatrical productions. Williamson County Parks and Recreation will manage the two new centers, which are expected to open in late spring 2017.
Commemorative bricks, from the old Fleming Hall building, will be installed as internal focal points within each center and will celebrate the history of the site while embracing the future community space the project will provide for years to come. WCPR director Gordon Hampton says the bricks will have wide appeal, stating, “We are hoping that all former and current BGA students and family will want to purchase bricks as a way to honor the legacy of the school, but we also want all local supporters of the arts and WCPR programs to buy legacy bricks.”
Single bricks are $100 each, and a special family placard (three bricks high and two bricks wide) may be purchased for $700. Several styles and background colors are available, and donors can choose to have their bricks placed in either the Enrichment Center or Performing Arts Center. For more information, visit www.wcparksandrec.com.
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