Mccalls 5 Steps to Freshen up the Laundry Room


There are a couple of rooms in the house that we all spend a majority of our time-kitchen and laundry room.






Especially if you  are a mom,you spend several times a day in the laundry room. As you spend your time making the family’s clothes nice and fresh,your laundry room itself might be in need of a little refresh. McCalls Carpet One gave us  5 ways to freshen up your laundry room.

Step Four: Invest in a wall-mount for the ironing board and iron. Don’t sandwich it between your washer and dryer, or lean it against a wall.

Be sure to visit McCalls Carpet One  if you are in need of new carpet,hardwood or tile. McCalls Carpet in Franklin is located next to The Factory for all of your carpet needs.


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