Library Receives $18K Technology Grant

Williamson County lawmakers, State Senator Jack Johnson and Representatives Glen Casada, Brandon Ogles and Sam Whitson, announced that the Williamson County Public Library will receive a $18,995.00 Technology Grant from the Tennessee State Library and Archives. The lawmakers made the announcement after being notified by Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett.

Technology grants are available for public libraries to replace or purchase technology, including computers, software, networking hardware or peripherals.

“Access to technology is something many of us take granted,” Secretary of State Tre Hargett said. “Our public libraries across the state play a pivotal role in connecting Tennesseans. I’m proud of the role the Tennessee Library and Archives plays in increasing access to technology and education across the entire state.”

“Congratulations to the Williamson County Library System for procuring this grant,” said Senator Johnson. “New technology is more than an investment in our library; it’s an investment in the future of our community. I look forward to working with my colleagues and Secretary Hargett in continuing to secure grant funding to provide the library with the latest technology to serve Williamson County residents.”

Representative Casada added, “This important grant funding from the State Library and Archives is great news for the future of our community. I would like to thank all of our state and local leaders for securing this important investment as it will enable our facility to improve and prepare for the future.”

“I am thrilled the State Library and Archives has chosen to provide this important funding to our library,” said Representative Whitson. “This strong investment will help provide important training that will benefit future generations of our community.”

Additionally, Rep. Ogles said, “Local libraries are an important resource in communities across our state. This investment will ensure they continue to serve future generations and also have a transformative impact on the educational outcomes of our children.”

The State Library and Archives is awarding more than $350,000 in technology grants across the state.

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