Chemistry homework just got a little easier. Students in Cody Taylor’s technology class have created a chemistry app, commissioned by HS Chemistry Instructor Katie Parks, allowing users to calculate various organic compounds composed of Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon.
Using several coding languages including JavaScript and HyperText Markup Language, students programmed the app to calculate simple organic materials like water and sucrose, and the not-so-simple compounds, like oxalic acid and hydrogenoxalate. The app developers plan to present their product to their client for feedback and any user glitches detected.
“We ran into some challenges along the way. Programming buttons can be difficult, because the slightest error in html can throw the whole thing off. It took a while, but we finally worked it out,” stated technology student Peter DePhillips.
Students were given valuable insight into the competitive, 21st century field of app development as they participated in real-time project management, problem solving, and client relations. Students have already been commissioned for another product similar to this app for their anatomy class.
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