Williamson Health Recognized on Newsweek’s 2023 List of World’s Best Hospitals

photo courtesy of Williamson Medical Center

Williamson Health has been included in Newsweek’s list of 2023 World’s Best Hospitals. This list compiles hospitals that provide first-class care, research and innovation while consistently attracting the best people and providing the best outcomes for patients. This recognition is presented by Newsweek and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry provider.

“We are honored to have Williamson Medical Center included among this list of the best hospitals around the globe,” said Phil Mazzuca, CEO of Williamson Health. “This recognition is a reflection of the team of expert providers and talented professionals providing compassionate, high-quality care to our patients every day.”

Newsweek and Statista developed a complex methodology to ensure the quality and validity of the ranking. Four data sources were used for the evaluation:

  • Hospital recommendations from Medical Experts: an international online survey sent to more than 80,000 doctors, hospital managers and healthcare professionals
  • Patient Experience: survey of patient satisfaction with hospitalization
  • Patient Reported Outcome Measures: surveys measuring patient satisfaction with hospitals
  • Hospital Quality Metrics: patient safety, hygiene measures, waiting times and quality of treatment

This year, Newsweek/Statista considered hospitals in 28 countries including U.S., Germany, Japan, UK, Spain, Canada, Mexico and India. The awards are based on multiple comparability factors such as life expectancy, population size, number of hospitals and data availability.

The list ranks the top 2,300 hospitals worldwide with 420 U.S. hospitals recognized. Williamson Health is one of only two Tennessee hospitals to be included on the list.

To learn more and read the full list of World’s Best Hospitals, visit https://www.newsweek.com/rankings/worlds-best-hospitals-2023/united-states.

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