Which Tennessee City Spends the Most on the Holidays?

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The holidays bring cheer, laughter, and spending.

And if you want to know which city in Tennessee will spend the most this year, keep reading. Hint, it also happens to be a city in Williamson County.

The National Retail Federation predicts that 2019 holiday spending will increase by about percent over 2018, with a total of over $727 – $730 billion in retail sales excluding car dealers, gas, and restaurants.

WalletHub calculated the maximum holiday budget for over 500 cities across the US. They used five key characteristics of the population, such as income, age, and savings-to-monthly expenses ratio.

The top city in the country on the list is Palo Alto, California, with a holiday budget of $3,160. Lowest on the list is Providence, Rhode Island, with a budget of $111.

Nine cities in Tennessee made the list: Nashville, Clarksville, Franklin, Murfreesboro, Johnson City, Jackson, Memphis, Chattanooga, and Knoxville.

Franklin ranked 67 with a holiday budget of $1,332, making it the highest in Tennessee.
Nashville ranked 248 with a holiday budget of $731.
Murfreesboro ranked 296 with a budget of $676.

See the complete study here. 

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