First Time Voter & Local Student Discusses Her Election Experience

Allie Jankowski is a Senior at Ravenwood High School. While she is finishing her high school experience she just began a new journey as a voter. Recently turning 18, this is her first Presidential election. Not only did Allie vote but she took advantage of early voting  at the Brentwood Library.  We asked her a few questions about her experience and what influenced her selection in the race.

As a first time voter, how did you come to your decision on the candidate you chose?
My parents and I share the same beliefs on what needs to be done in this country and how it needs to get done; they’ve highly influenced my decision making for this election.

How exciting was it for you to vote in your first Presidential election?
It was actually quite exciting. I got an applause, from the other 6 people in the room, because it was my first time voting.

As we mentioned excitement, there has been a great deal of drama surrounding this election, do you feel like any of that affected your vote?
The drama hasn’t so much affected my vote because drama is just entertainment. My vote was based on who could run this country the best, not on who can make the biggest headline.

What was the  most important issue to you as a young adult?
Keeping the citizens in this country safe, because if people in our country don’t feel safe then the government isn’t doing their job.

Why did you choose to exercise your right to vote in this election when it could have been easier to not vote at all?
I chose to vote because I believe every vote matters and every voice matters.

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