WCS High School FFA Students Advance to National Competition

From WCS inFocus

Students from Fairview and Page high schools returned from the Tennessee Future Farmers of America (FFA) State Convention with new awards and degrees under their belts.
Photo by WCS

Students from Fairview and Page high schools returned from the Tennessee Future Farmers of America (FFA) State Convention with new awards and degrees under their belts.

Page High’s Tate Hudgens won first place in the Agriscience Fair, and Presley Noland placed second in the Diversified Livestock Proficiency category. Both students will advance to the National FFA Convention that will take place later this year. In addition to the individual awards, Page High earned the Superior Chapter Award and the Passing Literacy OnWard (PLOW) Award. PLOW is an organized effort to promote the excitement and improvement of literacy in our agricultural education programs in Tennessee, and the award honors chapters for their literacy achievements throughout the year.

From Fairview High, both Tyler McKinney and William Poynor earned their State FFA Degrees.

“This award is the highest achievement in our State association,” said FVHS FFA adviser Emma Corson. “It reflects their experience and participation in FFA career and leadership events throughout the year.”

Fairview High also received the Superior Chapter Award as well as an award highlighting its membership growth within the chapter.


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