Summit High Teacher Becomes Solar System Ambassador

Summit High Teacher Becomes Solar System Ambassador

A Summit High teacher is reaching new heights. Engineering teacher Britaney Phillips is one of only 19 NASA Solar System Ambassadors (SSA) in Tennessee.

The SSA program works with volunteers across the country to share NASA science and mission discoveries. To apply, Phillips had to submit proposals for outreach events, a background of her interest in space and professional references.

“I am so honored and excited,” Phillips said. “I love being in the classroom, but I also see how so many students are unaware of the universe of galaxies available to them. I want to share these opportunities with them.”

As an ambassador, Phillips has been given resources to supplement her current solar system curriculum. She has also been asked to teach elementary and middle school students about the district’s solar system standards.

“It’s going to be incredible because I have been planning on continuing my education by returning to school for a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction for STEM,” said Phillips.

Phillips will attend the State of NASA at the Marshall Space Flight Center in February.

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