Trails Please Foundation’s Three NEW Programs

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Trails Please Foundation, a local nonprofit organization founded by Franklin creative Glenn Sweitzer, is connecting individuals to nature in fresh and exciting ways! Discover three unique programs offered by this nonprofit.

Nature’s Way College Scholarship

Nature’s Way Scholarships give a helping hand to college-bound students who plan to major in biology, ecology, environmental sciences or related fields. The Foundation awards two annual scholarships of $10,000 each.

Foot to Soil

The Foot to Soil program takes families to the outdoors for overnight camping and hiking. Attendees learn about nature and experience wellness in the wilderness.

“This program is especially close to my heart,” says Sweitzer. “I grew up in Los Angeles with a single parent who worked non-stop because we were low income. I never went to the outdoors, and we could never afford vacations. Through Foot to Soil, we want to create the Hallmark Channel-like event with the perfect campfire and everything. We want to help people take that first step into nature.”

Nature Bound

Trails Please Foundation’s core program is Nature Bound, which takes seniors from assisted living facilities on three-hour outings to experience the outdoors. Each senior will be asked a few questions; their answers, recorded on video, can be shared with their family for generations. Sweitzer, a photographer, will take each participant’s portrait and print the photographs from his on-site mobile van so families go home with keepsakes.

“Nature Bound is providing outdoor moments that are nurturing, healing and cherished,” he says. “We have an educational aspect, but more than anything it’s about experience. It’s not brand new or high tech; it’s the basics.”

Get Involved With Trails Please Foundation

For more information, to make a donation, or to inquire about bringing Nature Bound to your facility, visit